This section of our site reflects our commitment to act as a sound corporate global citizen everywhere we work. We are driven by our purpose to create, enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments and as We Deliver — both in our work and how we operate as a company. For Beacon Group, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the collective energy and effort of our company and our employees to benefit society and the environment through the contribution of labor, financial support and facilities as well as social and community networks.

While CSR is expressed through our ethics and diversity and inclusion programs, it is also seen in our efforts to integrate sustainability into our services.

Current trends in CSR and sustainability reporting involve responsible behavior throughout the lifecycle of every aspect of a business, increased transparency regarding how a company operates its business, promotion of employee engagement and discussions around the challenges of a growing population and urbanization.

With these trends in mind, our CSR efforts focus on five strategic areas:

  • Community development: Supporting opportunities to contribute to, and make visible, a positive and material impact in the communities where we work and live.
  • Education and training: Enhancing global engineering and science resources through training, education, scholarships, and internships; participating in association-sponsored events and academic engagements; as well as delivering education to urban and under-served communities.
  • Alleviating poverty and disaster recovery efforts: Providing basic needs in local communities through individual volunteer and company-sponsored events for post-disaster recovery and long-term alleviation of conditions of poverty (e.g., providing drinking water; design, construction and repair of housing, medical facilities and schools; food donations, and education supplies.)
  • Health and well-being: Promoting and protecting the health and wellness of our employees and the communities where we live and work.
  • Natural environment: Enhancing and protecting natural capital, conserving environmental resources and modeling sustainable practices through activities such as planting and preserving trees; cleaning rivers, lakes and shorelines; promoting clean air; and supporting diversity in wildlife.

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